Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rocking Wall Street

This is a very mind opening book, written by Gary Marks, who is a fund manager, and unexpectedly also a songwriter.

A weird combination maybe, but if the title of the book or his music talent makes you think that he is a risk taker, then you are totally wrong.

In fact, he is against risk taking, to an extent that surprises me. For example, he is against market timing, short term trading, equate these to gambling. He suggests long term trading only on good companies, treasury, and well-managed hedge fund or fund of funds.

He also look at investment from a bigger picture, from the perspective of life. You do not want to waste your life monitoring the market, worrying about your investment.

We probably do not have the luxury to invest in treasury or hedge funds, but the book certainly makes me have a different view on risk and life.

I strongly recommend every investor to read this book.

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