Friday, September 4, 2009

Extreme Ice

The documentary on Channel Okto the other night gave me a real impactful impression. It was actually a Discovery Channel documentary, titled 'Extreme Ice'. In the documentary, it showed ice on mountain, at polars, melting.

Well, we all heard about global warming for a long time. But seeing the iceberg melting is far more convincing than all the theories on paper. I, for one, really feel the shock watching it.

It said that the ice is melting faster than previously believed based on scientists' models. And that at this speed, the sea level will rise by 1 meter in 100 years time, and many areas on earth would be flooded.

Just how is this going to affect our life? If this is true, we should see significant impact in next decade, maybe. This would really be a disaster. Imagine lands being flooded, millions being replaced, how is this going to impact the economy, the social stability, and eventually the investment and asset value?

A rise of 1 meter in sea level would almost spell a doom for island countries like Singapore. Talking about this, maybe there is reason for 99 years lease hold afterall.

p/s: please spend a few minutes checking out this

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