Friday, August 28, 2009

Pizza Hut pasta, anyone?

You must have watched the latest Pizza Hut advertisement. It is about a group of 80 diners tasting Pizza Hut pasta, without knowing it's from Pizza Hut. Many of them gave comments like, 'it is authentic', 'taste like that from xxx restaurant', etc.

Well, it is really a good idea by Pizza Hut to prove that their pasta is as good as any others, including those priced a few times higher.

Normally we would say that, well rental is a big part of the cost, so if you eat at a high class restaurant, obviously a big percentage of the price is towards paying the rental.

Let's look at it from demand side, and from a financial perspective. I believe many of us are aware of the term 'time value of money'. Basically what it means is that as money travels along the dimension of time, its value increases. In layman terms, money got to earn interest.

Now, think about it, what about 'money value of time'. As time travels across the dimension of money, does its value change? Put simply, at a particular point of time, does money change the value of that moment? Imagine you are in a romantic (and expensive) restaurant, would spending $30 for a plate of pasta makes you happy (value to you)? Or you rather just drink plain water and go for a $6 Pizza Hut pasta (proven just as tasty) later?

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